Domestic Violence and Mediation

Friday, October 16th, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Location: Virtual ZOOM
Please join Austin Mediators Association for our October meeting on the important issue of domestic violence and mediation. This meeting will educate mediators about when mediation is appropriate for domestic violence cases, screening for domestic violence, the impacts of domestic violence on mediation, the impacts of COVID-19 on domestic violence issues in family mediations, how online mediations are impacting domestic violence issues, why it is important for mediators to have domestic violence training, and remedies available for domestic violence if one party wants to opt out of mediation.
Registration: Free to members / $15 for non-members. Become a member now for as little as $35!
One (1) hour of CE is available for those who attend.
**One (1) hour of MCLE, including one (1) hour of ethics is approved for this activity by the State Bar of Texas. For those attendees who wish to also receive 1 hr. of Texas CLE, including 1 hr. of ethics, there will be an additional $5 added to registration to cover the State Bar fees.**
Carlos Salinas is a 17-year practicing family law attorney-mediator. He has worked as adjunct professor at the UT Domestic Violence Clinic, as a family law attorney for victims of domestic violence at Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid and at a San Francisco domestic violence shelter, and was a former faculty and commissioner on the ABA commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence.
Krista Del Gallo is a Policy Manager at the Texas Council on Family Violence. Her work focuses on researching, analyzing and promoting laws, policies and options that expand the critical social safety nets for survivors of family violence, with a particular focus on child custody, health, immigration remedies, and economic stability. Krista has been working within the domestic violence and sexual assault movements since 1994. She has done case management, children’s advocacy, legal advocacy and training at crisis programs in rural Indiana, the Rosebud Lakota Reservation in South Dakota and Austin, Texas.